Education and knowledge are your best defense against digital threats
Stay informed, stay secure
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Staying Safe
uBlock Origin
Extensions are software that can attach to your browser. In this case they help with blocking
advertising and limit web tracking. uBlock Origin is the most popular and works on most mainstream browsers.
CISA Quick Guide
A three page document of cybersecurity guidiance for older Americans that hits many key points. A must read for everyone.
Common Fraud Schemes
An FBI resource that details prevalent methods of fraud targeted towards older Americans.
Quick Guide on Phishing
A quick read regarding how to identify and handle phishing events
Victim of Identity Theft?
The U.S Governments one-stop resource for identity theft victims. We also advise to check out
the recovery steps to see what steps you need to take in order.
Create Gmail Account
We recommend creating a Gmail account due to its convenience for signing in on various websites.
With a Gmail account, you can skip much of the account creation process for online services,
compared to other email providers like Yahoo and Outlook.
ChatGPT is an Artificial Intelligence Chatbot that is simple enough for everyday tasks and powerful
enough for complex questions and professional use. It can draft emails/texts, recommend what to cook,
help you negotiate a deal, coach you on your writing, and much, much more.
The largest video sharing platform. Amazing resource for education, tutorials, and entertainment.
An AARP service that hosts online classes and resouces for their members.
you may also check out AARP Website
Have Fun!
New York Times Games
A small collection of games including the classics like Crossword and the new kid on the block,
Reddit is the largest interenet forum. It is great for specific hobbies and intrests. Baking?,
Classic Cars?, NBA?, Wood Decks?,
Cats? There is a Reddit community for everybody.
Its great for sharing personal knowledge and discussing topics. You can see a list of the top subreddits
Scale of the Universe
An interactive site which shows the scale of objects in the universe, from very large to nearly invisible. Click on objects to learn more about them.
My 90's TV!
"They don't make them like they used to". This powerful website allows you to go back in time and watch TV channels from either the 2000's,
90's, 80's, all the way down to the 50's. You can use the filter to customize what you see and use the buttons on screen to navigate channels.
From Gameshows, Comedy, Documentaries, Sports, to Specials. It an amazing trip to the past.